Linear Search is the simplest of searching techniques that can be implemented with a simple array and a for loop. All elements of a particular array are checked one by one to find a given key element. If the element is found, the system returns that the search was successful. Also the user will be presented with a location where the search element was found i.e. the index in the array matched. See the code below followed by the C++ source code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int MyArray[100], KeyElement, c, input_number;
cout<< "Enter the number of elements in array\n" ;
cin>> input_number;
cout << "Enter " << input_number << " numbers\n" ;
for ( c = 0 ; c < input_number ; c++ )
cin>> MyArray[c];
cout << "Enter the number to search\n";
cin>> KeyElement;
for ( c = 0 ; c < input_number ; c++ )
if ( MyArray[c] == KeyElement )
cout << KeyElement <<" is present at location " << c+1;
cout << "\n"
if ( c == input_number )
cout << KeyElement << " is not found in array.\n";
return 0;
Download Source Code Here. Notice that the C++ Souce Code is written in Code::Blocks 12.11 IDE available for direct download Here.
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