This C++ program shows you how to calculate the NCR and NPR of two given numbers. NCR is basically a combination number i.e. if you had N number of distinct objects then taking R objects at a time, NCR determines how many combinations are possible. In NPR, we get the number of permutations i.e. the combinations but with the sequence being also taken into account.
Have a look at the code below followed by the source code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// These three lines deal with the function declarations. It is very
// important to declare functions before defining them.
// When declaring, just use the datatype in the parameter not
// followed by any variable.
long NCR_Function(int , int );
long NPR_Function(int , int );
long factorial(int);
int main()
int n, r;
long ncr, npr;
cout<<"Enter the value of n and r\n";
ncr = NCR_Function(n, r);
npr = NPR_Function(n, r);
cout<<"\nNCR: ";
cout<<n<<" and "<<r<<" is "<<ncr<<"\n";
cout<<"\nNPR: ";
cout<<n<<" and "<<r<<" is "<<npr<<"\n";
return 0;
// The function below calculates the NCR value.
long NCR_Function(int n, int r)
long result;
result = factorial(n)/(factorial(r)*factorial(n-r));
return result;
// The function below calculates the NPR value.
long NPR_Function(int n, int r)
long result;
result = factorial(n)/factorial(n-r);
return result;
// The function below is used to calculate the factorial of a given
// number. This is used in both NCR and NPR.
long factorial(int n)
int c;
long result = 1;
for( c = 1 ; c <= n ; c++ )
result = result*c;
return ( result );
Download Source Code Here. Notice that the C++ Souce Code is written in Code::Blocks 12.11 IDE available for direct download Here.
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